User-facing helper functions included at import vflow

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"""User-facing helper functions included at import vflow

from functools import partial
from itertools import product
from typing import Union

import mlflow
import numpy as np

from vflow.utils import dict_data, dict_keys, dict_to_df
from vflow.vfunc import Vfunc
from vflow.vset import FILTER_PREV_KEY, PREV_KEY, Subkey, Vset

def init_args(args_tuple: Union[tuple, list], names=None):
    """Converts tuple of arguments to a list of dicts

    names: list-like (optional), default None
        given names for each of the arguments in the tuple
    if names is None:
        names = ["start"] * len(args_tuple)
        assert len(names) == len(
        ), "names should be same length as args_tuple"
    output_dicts = []
    for i, _ in enumerate(args_tuple):
                (Subkey(names[i], "init"),): args_tuple[i],
                PREV_KEY: ("init",),
    return output_dicts

def build_vset(
    name: str,
    reps: int = 1,
    is_async: bool = False,
    output_matching: bool = False,
    lazy: bool = False,
    cache_dir: str = None,
    tracking_dir: str = None,
) -> Vset:
    """Builds a new Vset by currying or instantiating callable `func` with all
    combinations of parameters in `param_dict` and optional additional `**kwargs`.
    If `func` and `param_dict` are lists, then the ith entry of `func` will be
    curried with ith entry of `param_dict`. If only one of `func` or `param_dict`
    is a list, the same `func`/`param_dict` will be curried for all entries in the
    list. Vfuncs are named with `param_dict` items as tuples of

    name : str
        A name for the output Vset.
    func : callable or list[callable]
        A callable to use as the base for Vfuncs in the output Vset. Can also be
        a class object, in which case the class is immediately instantiated with
        the parameter combinations from `param_dict`. Can also be a list of
        callables, where the ith entry corresponds to `param_dict` or the ith
        entry of `param_dict` (if `param_dict` is a list).
    param_dict : dict[str, list] or list[dict[str, list]], optional
        A dict with string keys corresponding to argument names of `func` and
        entries which are lists of values to pass to `func` at run time (or when
        instantiating `func` if it's a class object). Can also be a list of
        dicts, where the ith dict entry corresponds to `func` or the ith entry
        of `func` (if `func` is a list). If no parameters are required for the
        ith function, the ith entry of `param_dict` can be `None`.
    reps : int, optional
        The number of times to repeat `func` in the output Vset's vfuncs for
        each combination of the parameters in `param_dict`.
    is_async : bool, optional
        If True, vfuncs are computed asynchronously.
    output_matching : bool, optional
        If True, then output keys from Vset will be matched when used in other
    cache_dir : str, optional
        If provided, do caching and use `cache_dir` as the data store for
    tracking_dir : str, optional
        If provided, use the mlflow.tracking API to log outputs as metrics with
        parameters determined by input keys.
        Additional fixed keyword arguments to pass to `func`.

    new_vset : vflow.vset.Vset

    f_list = []
    pd_list = []
    if isinstance(func, list):
        if isinstance(param_dict, list):
            assert len(param_dict) == len(
            ), "list of param_dicts must be same length as list of funcs"
            pd_list.extend([param_dict] * len(func))
    elif isinstance(param_dict, list):
        f_list.extend([func] * len(param_dict))

    vfuncs = []
    vkeys = []

    for f, pd in zip(f_list, pd_list):
        if pd is None:
            pd = {}
        assert callable(f), "func must be callable"

        kwargs_tuples = product(*list(pd.values()))
        for tup in kwargs_tuples:
            kwargs_dict = {}
            vkey_tup = (f"func={f.__name__}",)
            for param_name, param_val in zip(list(pd.keys()), tup):
                kwargs_dict[param_name] = param_val
                vkey_tup += (f"{param_name}={param_val}",)
            # add additional fixed kwargs to kwargs_dict
            for k, v in kwargs.items():
                kwargs_dict[k] = v
            for i in range(reps):
                # add vfunc key to vkeys
                if reps > 1:
                    vkeys.append((f"rep={i}",) + vkey_tup)
                # check if func is a class
                if isinstance(f, type):
                    # instantiate func
                    vfuncs.append(Vfunc(vfunc=f(**kwargs_dict), name=str(vkey_tup)))
                    # use partial to wrap func
                        Vfunc(vfunc=partial(f, **kwargs_dict), name=str(vkey_tup))
    if all(pd is None for pd in pd_list) and reps == 1:
        vkeys = None

    return Vset(

def filter_vset_by_metric(
    metric_dict: dict,
    vset: Vset,
    *vsets: Vset,
    n_keep: int = 1,
    bigger_is_better: bool = True,
    group: bool = False,
) -> Union[Vset, list]:
    """Returns a new Vset by filtering `vset.vfuncs` based on values in filter_dict.

    metric_dict: dict
        output from a Vset, typically with metrics or other numeric values to use when
        filtering `vset.vfuncs`
    vset: Vset
        a Vsets
    *vsets: Vset
        zero or more additional Vsets
    n_keep: int (optional)
        number of entries to keep from `vset.vfuncs`
    bigger_is_better: bool (optional)
        if True, then the top `n_keep` largest values are retained
    filter_on: list[str] (optional)
        if there are multiple metrics in `metric_dict`, you can specify a subset
        to consider
    group: bool (optional)
        if True, average metrics after grouping values in `metric_dict` by the
        input Vset names

    *new_vset : Vset
        Copies of the input Vsets but with Vfuncs filtered based on metrics
    if filter_on is None:
        filter_on = []
    df = dict_to_df(metric_dict)
    vsets = [vset, *vsets]
    vset_names = []
    for vset_i in vsets:
        if not in df.columns:
            raise ValueError(
                    f"{} should be one "
                    "of the columns of dict_to_df(metric_dict)"
    if len(filter_on) > 0:
        filter_col = list(metric_dict.keys())[0][-1].origin
        df = df[df[filter_col].isin(filter_on)]
    if group:
        df = df.groupby(by=vset_names, as_index=False).mean(numeric_only=True)
    if bigger_is_better:
        df = df.sort_values(by="out", ascending=False)
        df = df.sort_values(by="out")
    df = df.iloc[0:n_keep]
    for i, vset_i in enumerate(vsets):
        vfuncs = vset_i.vfuncs
        vfunc_filter = [str(name) for name in df[].to_numpy()]
        new_vfuncs = {k: v for k, v in vfuncs.items() if str( in vfunc_filter}
        tracking_dir = None if vset_i._mlflow is None else mlflow.get_tracking_uri()
        new_vset = Vset(
            "filtered_" +,
        setattr(new_vset, PREV_KEY, getattr(new_vset, FILTER_PREV_KEY))
        vsets[i] = new_vset
    if len(vsets) == 1:
        return vsets[0]
    return vsets

def cum_acc_by_uncertainty(mean_preds, std_preds, true_labels):
    """Returns uncertainty and cumulative accuracy for grouped class predictions,
    sorted in increasing order of uncertainty

    mean_preds: dict
        mean predictions, output from Vset.predict_with_uncertainties
    std_preds: dict
        std predictions, output from Vset.predict_with_uncertainties
    true_labels: dict or list-like

    TODO: generalize to multi-class classification
    assert dict_keys(mean_preds) == dict_keys(
    ), "mean_preds and std_preds must share the same keys"
    # match predictions on keys
    paired_preds = [
        [d[k] for d in (mean_preds, std_preds)] for k in dict_keys(mean_preds)
    mean_preds, std_preds = (np.array(p)[:, :, 1] for p in zip(*paired_preds))
    if isinstance(true_labels, dict):
        true_labels = dict_data(true_labels)
        assert len(true_labels) == 1, "true_labels should have a single 1D vector entry"
        true_labels = true_labels[0]
    n_obs = len(mean_preds[0])
    assert (
        len(true_labels) == n_obs
    ), f"true_labels has {len(true_labels)} obs. but should have same as predictions ({n_obs})"
    sorted_idx = np.argsort(std_preds, axis=1)
    correct_labels = np.take_along_axis(
        np.around(mean_preds) - true_labels == 0, sorted_idx, 1
    uncertainty = np.take_along_axis(std_preds, sorted_idx, 1)
    cum_acc = np.cumsum(correct_labels, axis=1) / range(1, n_obs + 1)
    return uncertainty, cum_acc, sorted_idx


def build_vset(name: str, func, param_dict=None, reps: int = 1, is_async: bool = False, output_matching: bool = False, lazy: bool = False, cache_dir: str = None, tracking_dir: str = None, **kwargs) ‑> Vset

Builds a new Vset by currying or instantiating callable func with all combinations of parameters in param_dict and optional additional **kwargs. If func and param_dict are lists, then the ith entry of func will be curried with ith entry of param_dict. If only one of func or param_dict is a list, the same func/param_dict will be curried for all entries in the list. Vfuncs are named with param_dict items as tuples of str("param_name=param_val").


name : str
A name for the output Vset.
func : callable or list[callable]
A callable to use as the base for Vfuncs in the output Vset. Can also be a class object, in which case the class is immediately instantiated with the parameter combinations from param_dict. Can also be a list of callables, where the ith entry corresponds to param_dict or the ith entry of param_dict (if param_dict is a list).
param_dict : dict[str, list] or list[dict[str, list]], optional
A dict with string keys corresponding to argument names of func and entries which are lists of values to pass to func at run time (or when instantiating func if it's a class object). Can also be a list of dicts, where the ith dict entry corresponds to func or the ith entry of func (if func is a list). If no parameters are required for the ith function, the ith entry of param_dict can be None.
reps : int, optional
The number of times to repeat func in the output Vset's vfuncs for each combination of the parameters in param_dict.
is_async : bool, optional
If True, vfuncs are computed asynchronously.
output_matching : bool, optional
If True, then output keys from Vset will be matched when used in other Vsets.
cache_dir : str, optional
If provided, do caching and use cache_dir as the data store for joblib.Memory.
tracking_dir : str, optional
If provided, use the mlflow.tracking API to log outputs as metrics with parameters determined by input keys.
Additional fixed keyword arguments to pass to func.


new_vset : Vset
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def build_vset(
    name: str,
    reps: int = 1,
    is_async: bool = False,
    output_matching: bool = False,
    lazy: bool = False,
    cache_dir: str = None,
    tracking_dir: str = None,
) -> Vset:
    """Builds a new Vset by currying or instantiating callable `func` with all
    combinations of parameters in `param_dict` and optional additional `**kwargs`.
    If `func` and `param_dict` are lists, then the ith entry of `func` will be
    curried with ith entry of `param_dict`. If only one of `func` or `param_dict`
    is a list, the same `func`/`param_dict` will be curried for all entries in the
    list. Vfuncs are named with `param_dict` items as tuples of

    name : str
        A name for the output Vset.
    func : callable or list[callable]
        A callable to use as the base for Vfuncs in the output Vset. Can also be
        a class object, in which case the class is immediately instantiated with
        the parameter combinations from `param_dict`. Can also be a list of
        callables, where the ith entry corresponds to `param_dict` or the ith
        entry of `param_dict` (if `param_dict` is a list).
    param_dict : dict[str, list] or list[dict[str, list]], optional
        A dict with string keys corresponding to argument names of `func` and
        entries which are lists of values to pass to `func` at run time (or when
        instantiating `func` if it's a class object). Can also be a list of
        dicts, where the ith dict entry corresponds to `func` or the ith entry
        of `func` (if `func` is a list). If no parameters are required for the
        ith function, the ith entry of `param_dict` can be `None`.
    reps : int, optional
        The number of times to repeat `func` in the output Vset's vfuncs for
        each combination of the parameters in `param_dict`.
    is_async : bool, optional
        If True, vfuncs are computed asynchronously.
    output_matching : bool, optional
        If True, then output keys from Vset will be matched when used in other
    cache_dir : str, optional
        If provided, do caching and use `cache_dir` as the data store for
    tracking_dir : str, optional
        If provided, use the mlflow.tracking API to log outputs as metrics with
        parameters determined by input keys.
        Additional fixed keyword arguments to pass to `func`.

    new_vset : vflow.vset.Vset

    f_list = []
    pd_list = []
    if isinstance(func, list):
        if isinstance(param_dict, list):
            assert len(param_dict) == len(
            ), "list of param_dicts must be same length as list of funcs"
            pd_list.extend([param_dict] * len(func))
    elif isinstance(param_dict, list):
        f_list.extend([func] * len(param_dict))

    vfuncs = []
    vkeys = []

    for f, pd in zip(f_list, pd_list):
        if pd is None:
            pd = {}
        assert callable(f), "func must be callable"

        kwargs_tuples = product(*list(pd.values()))
        for tup in kwargs_tuples:
            kwargs_dict = {}
            vkey_tup = (f"func={f.__name__}",)
            for param_name, param_val in zip(list(pd.keys()), tup):
                kwargs_dict[param_name] = param_val
                vkey_tup += (f"{param_name}={param_val}",)
            # add additional fixed kwargs to kwargs_dict
            for k, v in kwargs.items():
                kwargs_dict[k] = v
            for i in range(reps):
                # add vfunc key to vkeys
                if reps > 1:
                    vkeys.append((f"rep={i}",) + vkey_tup)
                # check if func is a class
                if isinstance(f, type):
                    # instantiate func
                    vfuncs.append(Vfunc(vfunc=f(**kwargs_dict), name=str(vkey_tup)))
                    # use partial to wrap func
                        Vfunc(vfunc=partial(f, **kwargs_dict), name=str(vkey_tup))
    if all(pd is None for pd in pd_list) and reps == 1:
        vkeys = None

    return Vset(
def cum_acc_by_uncertainty(mean_preds, std_preds, true_labels)

Returns uncertainty and cumulative accuracy for grouped class predictions, sorted in increasing order of uncertainty


mean_preds: dict mean predictions, output from Vset.predict_with_uncertainties std_preds: dict std predictions, output from Vset.predict_with_uncertainties true_labels: dict or list-like

TODO: generalize to multi-class classification

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def cum_acc_by_uncertainty(mean_preds, std_preds, true_labels):
    """Returns uncertainty and cumulative accuracy for grouped class predictions,
    sorted in increasing order of uncertainty

    mean_preds: dict
        mean predictions, output from Vset.predict_with_uncertainties
    std_preds: dict
        std predictions, output from Vset.predict_with_uncertainties
    true_labels: dict or list-like

    TODO: generalize to multi-class classification
    assert dict_keys(mean_preds) == dict_keys(
    ), "mean_preds and std_preds must share the same keys"
    # match predictions on keys
    paired_preds = [
        [d[k] for d in (mean_preds, std_preds)] for k in dict_keys(mean_preds)
    mean_preds, std_preds = (np.array(p)[:, :, 1] for p in zip(*paired_preds))
    if isinstance(true_labels, dict):
        true_labels = dict_data(true_labels)
        assert len(true_labels) == 1, "true_labels should have a single 1D vector entry"
        true_labels = true_labels[0]
    n_obs = len(mean_preds[0])
    assert (
        len(true_labels) == n_obs
    ), f"true_labels has {len(true_labels)} obs. but should have same as predictions ({n_obs})"
    sorted_idx = np.argsort(std_preds, axis=1)
    correct_labels = np.take_along_axis(
        np.around(mean_preds) - true_labels == 0, sorted_idx, 1
    uncertainty = np.take_along_axis(std_preds, sorted_idx, 1)
    cum_acc = np.cumsum(correct_labels, axis=1) / range(1, n_obs + 1)
    return uncertainty, cum_acc, sorted_idx
def filter_vset_by_metric(metric_dict: dict, vset: Vset, *vsets: Vset, n_keep: int = 1, bigger_is_better: bool = True, filter_on=None, group: bool = False) ‑> Union[Vset, list]

Returns a new Vset by filtering vset.vfuncs based on values in filter_dict.


metric_dict : dict
output from a Vset, typically with metrics or other numeric values to use when filtering vset.vfuncs
vset : Vset
a Vsets
*vsets : Vset
zero or more additional Vsets
n_keep : int (optional)
number of entries to keep from vset.vfuncs
bigger_is_better : bool (optional)
if True, then the top n_keep largest values are retained
filter_on : list[str] (optional)
if there are multiple metrics in metric_dict, you can specify a subset to consider
group : bool (optional)
if True, average metrics after grouping values in metric_dict by the input Vset names


*new_vset : Vset
Copies of the input Vsets but with Vfuncs filtered based on metrics
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def filter_vset_by_metric(
    metric_dict: dict,
    vset: Vset,
    *vsets: Vset,
    n_keep: int = 1,
    bigger_is_better: bool = True,
    group: bool = False,
) -> Union[Vset, list]:
    """Returns a new Vset by filtering `vset.vfuncs` based on values in filter_dict.

    metric_dict: dict
        output from a Vset, typically with metrics or other numeric values to use when
        filtering `vset.vfuncs`
    vset: Vset
        a Vsets
    *vsets: Vset
        zero or more additional Vsets
    n_keep: int (optional)
        number of entries to keep from `vset.vfuncs`
    bigger_is_better: bool (optional)
        if True, then the top `n_keep` largest values are retained
    filter_on: list[str] (optional)
        if there are multiple metrics in `metric_dict`, you can specify a subset
        to consider
    group: bool (optional)
        if True, average metrics after grouping values in `metric_dict` by the
        input Vset names

    *new_vset : Vset
        Copies of the input Vsets but with Vfuncs filtered based on metrics
    if filter_on is None:
        filter_on = []
    df = dict_to_df(metric_dict)
    vsets = [vset, *vsets]
    vset_names = []
    for vset_i in vsets:
        if not in df.columns:
            raise ValueError(
                    f"{} should be one "
                    "of the columns of dict_to_df(metric_dict)"
    if len(filter_on) > 0:
        filter_col = list(metric_dict.keys())[0][-1].origin
        df = df[df[filter_col].isin(filter_on)]
    if group:
        df = df.groupby(by=vset_names, as_index=False).mean(numeric_only=True)
    if bigger_is_better:
        df = df.sort_values(by="out", ascending=False)
        df = df.sort_values(by="out")
    df = df.iloc[0:n_keep]
    for i, vset_i in enumerate(vsets):
        vfuncs = vset_i.vfuncs
        vfunc_filter = [str(name) for name in df[].to_numpy()]
        new_vfuncs = {k: v for k, v in vfuncs.items() if str( in vfunc_filter}
        tracking_dir = None if vset_i._mlflow is None else mlflow.get_tracking_uri()
        new_vset = Vset(
            "filtered_" +,
        setattr(new_vset, PREV_KEY, getattr(new_vset, FILTER_PREV_KEY))
        vsets[i] = new_vset
    if len(vsets) == 1:
        return vsets[0]
    return vsets
def init_args(args_tuple: Union[tuple, list], names=None)

Converts tuple of arguments to a list of dicts


names : list-like (optional), default None
given names for each of the arguments in the tuple
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def init_args(args_tuple: Union[tuple, list], names=None):
    """Converts tuple of arguments to a list of dicts

    names: list-like (optional), default None
        given names for each of the arguments in the tuple
    if names is None:
        names = ["start"] * len(args_tuple)
        assert len(names) == len(
        ), "names should be same length as args_tuple"
    output_dicts = []
    for i, _ in enumerate(args_tuple):
                (Subkey(names[i], "init"),): args_tuple[i],
                PREV_KEY: ("init",),
    return output_dicts